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Our Curriculum
Primary Colors Early Learning Series
Based on extensive and proven research that has shown that children learn best thru play and the notion that children must aqcuire certain pre-acedmic skills before formal schooling begins, Primary Colors has developed its own theme based curriculum which uses a holistic approach to early childhood education. We combine play and education in a way that ensures your young student is acquiring the valuable skills needed for formal schooling. Our curriculum incorporates the Early Childhood Standards of Quality for Pre-Kindergarten (ECSQ-PK).
And as your child grows and changes, we will use curriculum guidelines to help determine which activities are appropriate for each age and stage of development so that your child isn’t overwhelmed by activities that are developmentally inappropriate for him/her. Our curriculum allows children to use their individuality, imagination, and curiosity on a daily basis. Each child participates in daily periods of theme related play, small & large group activities, outdoor play (weather permitting), child initiated activities, small & gross skills development, as well as quiet and active activities. All activities are carefully planned, developmentally appropriate, and designed to meet each child’s physical, emotional, social, and cognitive needs.
Our curriculum provides opportunities for the following pre-academic learning experiences: Language & Literacy
Math & Numbers
Science & Discovery
Social Studies & Self Awareness
Our curriculum provides a balance of the following experiences:
Quiet & Active
Sensory Exploration
Large & Small Group
Gross & Fine Motor
Child Initiated and Adult Initiated
Our curriculum and program provides opportunities for children to:
Feel successful
Learn self-awarenes
Feel good about him or herself
Develop independence
Practice social interaction skills
Take part in creative expression activities
Learn new skills and ideas
Participate in imaginative play
Be physically active
Our center is divided into interest areas which supports our curriculum and themes units:
Language & Literacy Center
Library Center
Writing Center
Math & Numbers Center
Science & Discovery Center
Social Studies & Self-Awareness Center
Music & Movement Center
Arts & Crafts Center
Blocks & Construction Center
Gross Motor & Active Play Center
Fine Motor & Manipulatives Center
Sensory, Sand & Water Center
Computer & Technology Center
Dramatic Play & Housekeeping Center
Outdoor Learning & Play Center